Run Route Day 201 - Belfast, County Down - Donaghadee, County Down
If you would like to join Paul along this route or part of it, please feel free to turn up on the day. If you are able to set up a fundraiser at the same time, even better! Please go to the 'Paul's Run' page a select the fundraise for Pauls event link. This will take you to the JustGiving account where you can then set up your own fundraiser.
If you are part of a group, business, organisation or establishment and would like to help or be involved on the day, please get in touch at
If you are able to put a poster up anywhere in your local area, Please ask and we will be happy to send you as many copies as you need.
I have served for nearly 18 years in the British Army, completing several frontline tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. I have been blown up by RPGs (Rocket-Propelled Grenades) and with an IED (Improvised Explosive Device), experiencing hundreds of firefights and seeing my comrades, my friends, blown up on numerous occasions.